Saturday, July 7, 2007

Sellout (boo hoo)

We hoped to see the Tigers play the Red Sox last night, but alas, we were not alone in the dream. It was a sell out and we were among the unfortunate.
We had to make do watching it on television with a cool beverage. Kelly flipped over the grand slam and our new favorite team won 9-2 and took the lead in their division. Go Tigers.

1 comment:

Auntie Lala said...


How is it possible that you are Tigers fans???? Clearly, it's a sheltered upbring...
Give me a few days and we'll turn this around and have Angels fans in now time. GO HALOS!!! remember darlings...everyone wants to be a winner (and the AL is where it's at, baby!).

So, Uncle Tom and I just got back from Sonoma this evening and are begining to track your progress. So glad to know you are still moving along towards the West Coast. We will look foward to your arrival in Portland for a respite here if that works for your schedule...

We have clean sheets, warm showers, good food, an ample wine cellar (for the adults) and an all alround happy time will be had by all. We look forward to hearing from you...

Much love,