Monday, July 2, 2007

Tooth fairy... Buffalo detour

In my experience, there are two kinds of children. There are those who, when they discover a loose tooth, wiggle and work it over until it's out... usually by the end of the day. That would be Kelly.
Then there are kids like Emma, who fret over that scrap of childhood. So for the past month, Emma has been babying her loose molar, the last of her baby teeth. On the flight from San Diego to Chicago, however, it finally happened. She lost that tooth.. to the cheers of the flight crew. They offered to announce it over the intercom to the entire plane, but she was too shy. Instead, she just collected that last $1 from the fairy

1 comment:

Pringle Grandma said...

Good job Emma. I guess since you've lost all your baby teeth now it means you are a grown up. Soon you will be driving the LIMO. HaHa. Next time I get to go. You guys look great in the LIMO. I'm soooo jealous. Have a great time. Be safe. Pringle Grandma.